Monday, October 22, 2007

BYU v. Eastern Washington

PICTURE TIME! last Saturday a few people from my ward were going to go to the football game together and we had a pregame party where we ate hotdogs and did some face painting. Yes mom...I did paint my face. Only like 3 of us did it, the rest were a bunch of wusses. are some pictures. Enjoy. ( time to write clever captions for any of these. If you think of any let me know when you comment)

In these two pictures I was so cold that my whole faze was numb and the paint was freezing over. Thats the best smile you could get out of me. I was so cold I was blue!! Chuckle chuckle. We went back to that girls apartment and made some really good hot chocolate and got warmed up though. Im stockin up on my hot chocolate for days like this.

Bonus picture: So, there I havent seen much SoBe around to quench my thirst, but I've found a pretty good substitute: Fuze. My favorite flavor is Strawberry Guava. Strawberry Banana is pretty good too. I got Tony addicted to it too, so we decided to save up our cans and make a huge pyramid. Unfortunately I dont think the cans are the right shape to make a very big pyramid, but we'll see

Thats all for now! There are always more pictures to come...just give me a week or two


Chase said...

Ok, the format got all messed up after I published the post. I had it all nicely organized, but apparently pictures dont fit side by side after you post. The bonus picture is the one with all the Fuze bottles obviously

Julie/mom said...

What a great camera you have! Your face reminded me of Braveheart. Now you will have to paint your face for every game so they can keep winning.

Zak said...

the face paint was pretty good. I'm gonna paint a Mongoose on my face so my FFT can win for once. But I'm playing Stevens team, so I'll be able to win easily this time.

and a small Apache Football update, we tied our last game because me doof friend Jared missed a PAT. We got a touch down to win the game, but he missed the PAT, so we tied 6-6.