Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What Day is it Anyway!

I thought it was Monday, then I realized it was Tuesday. All the days are the same...

Zak has started up with Football again! Twice a day. He is sweaty and achy.

Griffin and Kylie are back at swimming lessons, although Kylie is doing diving lessons, which she really enjoys.

Quinn has his books ready for school. He had to register today. His choice of shirt for his school pictures is very questionable! Yes, this is the shirt he wore!

Christopher is studying A LOT for his GMAT...which he is taking tomorrow.

Steven is enjoying the picking up and dropping off. Not really.

Chase is doing great! He would love to get a letter from all of you who read this blog. His site is: chasemission.blogspot.com

I, hopefully, am knitting.....(think about it!)

This is the bottom of my foot. Zak, Quinn and Kylie have
all made comment on how gross the bottom of my foot is. I can do nothing about it. Quinn took the picture. If it looks like this at about 3 weeks, just think how it will look by 3 months!
Kerry is working!

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