Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Quinn's Birthday Pictures

Quinn turns 13!
Here is a pictorial documentary:
Presents, wrapped by Steven

Quinn loves his Chips Ahoy Chewy Cookies
Quinn loves his Trix
Mario Kart - with a steering wheel!

Cake time, Dad tries to light the candles
Zak tries to light the candles

Quinn blew out the candles at the first note of our singing, I was NOT ready for the picture!
So, Quinn tries to light the candles again
Now, I've got the picture

I took this picture of Griffin while I was turning the camera around, complete accident, it turned out GREAT! I love his smile.
Then Griffin took this picture of Steven.
I love it.
Steven can't keep his eyes open for a picture.
We all think it funny.
Steven does not.
He has nice eye lids.


Nana said...

Great pictures of Quinn. When Christopher comes back, I will have him help me get them into my computer. I need more pictures of Quinn. I'll pass on the one of Steven!! tee hee

hillary nicole said...

it's ok steven.. I've always been a sucker for your eye lids ;)

Elizabeth said...

Griffin is so cute! What a sweetheart he is.
I'm jealous Quinn got food for his birthday. I told my parents that all I want for Christmas this year.