Saturday, November 13, 2010

I'm Just Sayin'

Did you know that Christopher has some texting rules, and I have broken them on occasion? He doesn't like text responses like: k, ok, hmm

Sometimes I do it anyway because I think I'm funny.

This post is something like that. I don't really have anything to tell, but I thought you might enjoy a little update on what's going on here:

Our Ward's Primary program is tomorrow...

which means Kylie and Griffin should be practicing their parts.

I HAVE been practicing the piano! I have 12 songs to play. I play them fine; not perfect; but who likes the perfect person? People just like to make fun of the perfect person.

Griffin slept for 15 hours last night....after his sleep over

Kylie just won her soccer game

I ran 3.1 miles yesterday then started working on the pool and outside. I was very busy from end to end. While I was sleeping last night with a headache, I realized I never showered. It makes me laugh. Today, when I got dressed to do more manual labor, I put them same clothes on. I will really appreciate my shower...

We are going to have homemade chicken nuggets; baked and homemade coleslaw for dinner. Hope it is good; all new recipes.

Last night we had, among other things, biscuits with homemade jam. It was SO GOOD! (Thanks Heather).

Oh, did you know Quinn is on the AHS soccer team?

Zak is at Missionary for a Day today.

I still have a lot to do, including a hair cut for Dad, but I will go shower now.

This is me telling you stuff.



Heather said...

I enjoy the updates! I cut Steven's hair today as well. It still shocks me how often boys need it. and 15 hours!! Griffin must have partied hard at that sleep over!

LunaFamily said...

Updates are the best. How did the Primary program go? Our family sang in sacrament meeting this morning - we definitely don't have Mormon Tabernacle talent. Maybe the girls...with hours of instruction. It's too late for Scott and me. =)