We started this blog in September of 2007
Let's look back and see what we, (meaning I), posted on January 7
th of our previous years....
January of 2010 (Only 2 posts for this entire month!)
They were both about FOOTBALL – Playoff picks
Jan 7 2009 – (24 posts this month)
We were getting our furnace fixed
S & C took a picture of Cosmetology school I went to 29 years ago!
Griffin could read a few words…and, the, like, my, can…
(Yesterday, Jan 2011 he was reading Little House in the big woods!
Yea for progress!)
Jan 7 2008 (12 this month)
We had
FHE and broke a
piñata that Griffin, Kylie and I made;
it apparently caused great tears!
This was the month that I COMMANDED that all the children
have piano lessons, like it or not!
Zak was into football…shocking
So, what do we learn from all this:
- I am a great wife/mother....always cooking and cleaning, for YEARS!
- We are a family that enjoys Football!
- HEY! Who will set up our Playoff Brackets....anyone?
- Progress is good
- We can come back from a NO when we want a YES
- Taking piano lessons is a good thing!
OK, Now back to the Cleaning.
Oh, and On THIS day, January 7, 2011, Kerry called and asked me to lunch. So nice!