Saturday, October 2, 2010

Things I Learned and Heard

Has it been busy today...or just this afternoon...not sure?

Most of the day, I (and some we) spent watching General Conference. It was really good and uplifting. If you are unaware; make sure to watch. It is on your BYU channel. Find it. The music alone is fabulous!

Things I learned and heard in the talks today:
God loves us all; it's never to late to say thank you; stay on the right path; there is a living prophet; attitude matters; life offers time and freedom of choice; hard work builds and refines character; slow down; don't over program yourself; love is spelled t-i-m-e; in heaven we chose to follow Jesus, continue to follow him on earth; sometimes it is worth walking across a newly varnished floor; Satan is active and real; Gerrit W. Gong is funny; life is no spiritual picnic; our challenges are refining experiences; be watchful; If ye love me, keep my commandments; we become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become.

AFTER Conference: Kylie & Griffin cleaned out the fish tank; then begged to go and buy some new fish! OK! (Even though I don't like pets; now you all know.) It make them SO happy. Griffin's fish was 27 cents! They bought the fish with their own money.

Quinn DOES like pets. He really likes the dog.

Then I had to take Kylie to soccer. Her team won. She also played goalie. The only camera I had was in my phone. Enjoy my photographic skills.

Steven came and took Z & Q to the Priesthood session of Conference. Afterward the boys are hoping to get a group together to play a little "ball". I hope they are successful. Kylie & Griffin are going to watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! They are very excited. I got it from the library!

Don't worry, I went grocery shopping; have food for several meals; including BLT's for tomorrow! Bacon was on sale at the grocery store. I did laundry and dishes. I'll find something to entertain myself tonight.
Thanks for checking in!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I loved your list of things you learned in Conference.

I like to listen to the talks over and over again for the next 6 months until the next conf. comes. You can listen to them on line or order the whole conf. on a CD set from