It seems like blogging is always the last on the list to do while at school. That list seems to be longer and longer as school goes on and you put more things off. For example right now, I'm writing this so that I don't have to read an essay on Kant about Moral Theory for my Ethics class. It's just as bad as it sounds.
On Tuesday, President Hinckley came to devotional. The Marriott Center was packed. He basically gave what I call a "relief society" talk, telling us how great we all are and that he's proud of us. It was nice. He spoke some on the 13th article of faith.
I made the decision that I'm going to get my MBA after graduating. Details forthcoming. This is sort've a big decision for me because when I first came to college, I had no intention whatsoever in getting a higher degree. I'm happy though, I think it's nice. Just for the heck of it, I requested information from Stanford, UC Berkley, Dartmouth, and Purdue. I did all this while in an IT lecture that was droning on at school today.
I've been really busy at my work as a system administrator. Right now I have about $20,000 worth of new equipment sitting in my office. Two new servers and two old ones. They are making my office very loud and noisy. I've had to install them all from the ground up. We just hired 2 new system administrators to help share the work load. I was there to interview and hire both of them. It was interesting being on that side of the hiring process. Unfortunately, they have a lot I need to train them on, so I'm doing the server thing by myself for the time being.
I got a new phone, which I am very happy about. It is a LG VX8300. I'm going to learn to hack it and get free internet and other cool stuff off of it.
I am taking a bowling class and a guitar class. I take a fun class every semester...apparently this semester, I took 2. I bowled a 153 today. My highest score yet is 162. I am hoping to get over 170 before the class is over. I have my guitar sitting in a little stand right by my chair in my room. I play it every day. I'm currently learning how to do the finger picking for Dust in the Wind, by Kansas. I looked up an actual video on YouTube for how to do it, and I'm getting so I'm not that bad.
Just before the semester started, I went to Bryce Canyon in southern Utah. It was very beautiful. I've included a picture. I've had plans to make a photo gallery for my photos...but again, I haven't had a lot of time. Last Saturday I went tubing down the Provo river. That was a lot of fun too.
I think I've come down with a cold the last few days. I've used an unbelievable amount of tissues and taken allergy pills at night so that I can sleep. Hopefully I get over it soon.
That's about it for now!
one of my friends rented a book from the library called "The Theory of the Atom" (or something like that) and after reading a paragraph (trying my hardest not to sleep) i concluded that I bet even you could only understand every fifth word of it
Wow, your good at procrastinating! glad to here whats happening though.
Christopher, that picture looks like you are hovering over the grand canyon.
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