Monday, December 3, 2007


Griffin: wants to talk about "what do birds wear?"
Kylie: she asked to change her desk at school because she talks to the person next to her too much....and the boy on the other side puts his elbow on her desk.
Quinn: stepped in dog poo, got it on his hands, didn't realize and we all wondered why the car stunk like dog poo.
Zak: trying out for volleyball in the morning and track in the afternoon....staying up way too late doing homework.
Chase: laying around in the hospital...working on fantasy football.
Steven: apparently getting around quite well with his cast...doing homework...getting his car smog inspected.
Christopher: apparently getting too many text messages from his mother! He is a good listener.
Dad: helping out where ever he can, enjoying a good Italian Steak Sandwich.
Mom: dropping off, picking up, enjoying my mid-evil book


Christopher said...

Is your book in the middle of being evil, or is it during the dark ages as in medieval? That's a little embarrassing if it's medieval, I have to say...

Julie/mom said...

ok, I knew mid-evil seemed odd, but I couldn't figure out why, and the computer didn't mention that anything was wrong. I am glad you are such a smarty pants. You made me laugh.