This is my currently set schedule for next semester. Notice no classes before 12:30 and the 3 day weekend every week. Believe it or not this was totally unintentional, I just signed up for my classes and tried to avoid mornings and this is what I ended up with. I really think this is what i'll end up doing too. It'll be a bit different, surely have pros and cons, but I think it'll be great. By the way, has anyone taken Personal Finance (Fin200)? I don't think it's required for anything, just a practical class basically about how to use your money wisely, a full 3 credits. Both my roommates have taken it and highly recommended.
That is all.
And now I will leave you to marvel and to wallow in your own jealousy,
3 day weekend is amazing. Class till 5 pm? Not too amazing. My ideal time was always starting around 10.
Nice posting, Zak!! Hope you enjoy your upcoming schedule. You should get all A's with all that time to study!!
Plus, I love knowing where you are going to be and when.
CHRISTOPHER, How did you know that Zak made a post on the blog??
*This is MOM - I do not know who the computer thinks this is, probably Griffin....
Wish I could "like" Mom's comment about knowing where Zak will be.
I agree with Christopher's comment, class until 5 is pretty late, 10 to 3 was my ideal schedule. The schedule is perfect for a job in the morning though if that is what you were planning for.
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