Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ultimate Schedule

This is my currently set schedule for next semester. Notice no classes before 12:30 and the 3 day weekend every week. Believe it or not this was totally unintentional, I just signed up for my classes and tried to avoid mornings and this is what I ended up with. I really think this is what i'll end up doing too. It'll be a bit different, surely have pros and cons, but I think it'll be great. By the way, has anyone taken Personal Finance (Fin200)? I don't think it's required for anything, just a practical class basically about how to use your money wisely, a full 3 credits. Both my roommates have taken it and highly recommended.
That is all.
And now I will leave you to marvel and to wallow in your own jealousy,


Christopher said...

3 day weekend is amazing. Class till 5 pm? Not too amazing. My ideal time was always starting around 10.

Julie/mom said...

Nice posting, Zak!! Hope you enjoy your upcoming schedule. You should get all A's with all that time to study!!

Plus, I love knowing where you are going to be and when.

CHRISTOPHER, How did you know that Zak made a post on the blog??

*This is MOM - I do not know who the computer thinks this is, probably Griffin....

Steven said...

Wish I could "like" Mom's comment about knowing where Zak will be.

I agree with Christopher's comment, class until 5 is pretty late, 10 to 3 was my ideal schedule. The schedule is perfect for a job in the morning though if that is what you were planning for.