Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Couple of Things

This morning I heard Griffin cry out with aghast when Dad told him he had school again today. He was shocked AND appalled! (Crying and wailing.) Well after his hot too, he seemed better.

When I picked him up after school, I asked him how his day was, "it was awful, we had to hear a dumb song about the color red." I hope the his class becomes a little more challenging. Oh, and his recess is too short.

I guess it is a hard, school awakening. The good news is, there is lots of room for improvement.

In other news: I received the hospital bill today for services rendered for my broken leg. You want to guess....the total is $19,994! The insurance agreed to pay $1500, yes! So, the hospital is forgetting $16,994. We owe $1,100. I find this shocking.

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