Saturday, February 2, 2008

Scrabble Saturday

Today we played the Shrek Scrabble game. It was very interesting. Here are the highlights as reported by Zak:

Dad had to pass his first turn
Mom cheated by looking in the bag for specific letters
Zak's personal favorite: When Zak spelled Quiet and Mom said, "I don't think you are not allowed to use personal pronounces." (In my defense, I thought he was spelling Quinten.)
Zak got one word worth 33 points.
Dad came in 2nd.
Quinn stopped playing.
Griffin enjoyed putting letters on the board. (I was trying to help Griffin play and put letters on the board, thus the cheating by trying to find specific letters in the bag. I was trying to give Griffin a positive Scrabble experience.)
Kylie came up with some great words.
Quinn tried to spell "rist". He was challenged.
I spelled sawgun. No one challenged.

Tonight, I think we will watch 13th Warrior.

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