We ate spaghetti for dinner tonight. It was good.
Griffin is making up his own games, keeping himself happy. Did you know he is a
Spongebob Freak?? He can't get enough.
Kylie is working on her book report.
Quinn is
listening to music while doing homework.
Zak is busy with trying out for sports, doing homework too late at night,
quizzing me on the Greek/Roman Gods. It didn't study those in school!
Chase is hopefully resting and mending peacefully.
Steven I assume is doing homework, hopefully had dinner with Dad tonight.
Christopher, I don't know, what are you up to Christopher?
Dad will hopefully have a good nights rest in his hotel and will not hear the elephants in the room above him tonight.
Mom is shockingly tired! Eyelids too heavy. I will fill the dishwasher, though, and read to all and put to bed!